Hey there,
I forgot to write about a dream/nightmare I had a few nights ago. Went to sleep and was scared awake at 6:41am. Here's what happened.
In a small house on stilts in the middle of a white backdrop, my family and I were going about our business. I saw no other houses nearby or any other people. I want to say that we were living in Antarctica, but I am not sure.
Someone said that there was a fox at the door. I got kind of scared so I hid behind a screen door off to the side. The fox was let in and I heard screaming. Next thing I saw was my doggie, but in newborn form, in the fox's jaws. I don't know what my dog looked like when she was a newborn, but I just felt strongly that, that was her. I was afraid to go near the fox, but I got enough courage to hit the fox. I was screaming at it to stop too. Eventually it let my baby go and ran back out of the house. I was hesitant at first, but I knelt down to my newborn puppy. She had blood dripping down the sides of her tiny head. I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. Slowly I moved my ear to her chest. All I heard was an extremely muffled heartbeat. Luckily I woke up before seeing what could have been a horrible ending.
That was the dream. I woke up and for some reason I thought I was home. Back home my baby would sleep near my feet so out of habit I started moving my legs and feet to feel for her. When I couldn't feel anything I freaked out and realized I wasn't home. Immediately I texted my brother to see if the baby was ok. He told me she was fine and sent me a picture. I guess I was just overly worried because some of the things I dream turn into realities in due time.
Bob was interested in looking up what my dream could have meant. Soooo here it goes:
White- New beginnings or a cover up.
Stilts- Feeling insecure. In a situation/relationship that's unstable, but doing my best to balance it with other aspects of life.
Fox- Someone that is being sneaky and lying. Experiencing a time of isolation and loneliness. OR metaphor or someone being a foxy lady.
Dog- Loss of a good friend.Deterioration of instincts.
Blood- Emotional cry for help.
After analyzing all of this information we came up with a few interpretations. . .
- I am starting a new beginning and it's causing me to lose a very foxy friend due to an unstable relationship. I am doing my best to balance the relationship with the rest of my life. The relationship is causing me to feel lonely due the loss of the foxy friend.
- I have a sly and sneaky person in my life that may be trying to cover something up. This is causing me to lose that friend. Subconsciously I sense this person being sneaky and it is causing me to feel lonely and emotionally cry for help.
- College is a new beginning for me that is causing me to feel lonely or isolated. I am subconsciously calling out for help. I am also loosing a friend, but I am trying to salvage the relationship by trying my best to balance different aspects of my life.
Which do you think is the best? Bob helped me come up with these lovely interpretations.
Thanks Bob!