Monday, October 7, 2013

Locked Out

Evening everyone,

This is where I sit in my chem class
Today was the first day I got locked out of my dorm suite. I am incredibly forgetful right? Here I am rushing to get ready to meet Bob in the common room at 8:50 when I told myself not to leave without grabbing my keys. I finished putting a shirt, jewelry, and shoes on and walked out to meet Bob. We walked to the dinning hall and got food. It wasn't until I was in the line to pay that I realized I had forgotten my id card and keys. I ran back to the suite and was locked out of course. I was knocking on the door and texting people. Finally Bob's roommate opened the door for me. Ran to the room and grabbed my lanyard. When I got back to the dinning hall I felt a bit embarassed. Great way to start the day right? (Could be worse, you could be a male honey bee >.<)

After I ate my lunch I went back into Pines and bought a blackberry cheesecake bar to share with Sarah. Oh and she got a chocolate one to share with me. Mines chilling in my freezer right now! The blackberry bar was sooo yummy! Probably because I wanted something sweet after having salad and curly fries.

I got back from class and took this picture for you guys! Isn't it beautiful?

My dinner was half of the can of beans with melted shredded cheese, salad, garbanzo beans, grapes, and water. I will admit that I miss home cooked meals. Think it has been like 3ish weeks. I feel like I am missing something even though I just finished dinner.

Homework time :/