Sunday, October 13, 2013

Back Again

Evening everyone,

Today was a not so happy day. Got to sleep in though lol and the puppy kept me warm by cuddling with me. Packed all my stuff for school and off we went. I haven't made up my mind about visiting home. I mean idk if it is better to visit home often or to stay at school more. Having to go on an emotional roller coaster isn't fun, but maybe it's worth it. I wasn't home for too long, but I enjoyed seeing my family. I got yummy food to eat, a clean shower to get clean in, and an environment that didn't remind me of school.

Before I got dropped off at UCSD my parents and I went to eat one last meal together. We visited the Mexican place in Del Mar, the one we go to like every time lol It's good food though! I had my usual rice, beans, and tortillas. Last time we ate there my mom didn't get her brownie so this time she made sure to get it. Tasted yummy!

I tried to take pictures of my new lights my family gave me but they didn't come out right. Decided a video would be better. I put them on the metal part of my roommate's bed, but I think I will change it later in the week. See how I like it for now. Aren't they adorable?!?! Makes my nights a little brighter.

Nice to be back, but I miss my other world.



  1. Nice light setup, and I see your cow is comfy and tucked-in.

    1. Thank you. Cow is tucked in waiting for me to sleep

  2. I have finally caught up! Yes yes I know I have been slacking. But my Kalani sprained his back last Mon & was on pain killer & muscle relaxers. Go figure it's cuz he ran into the concrete steps I think. Ugh!

    1. It's so wrong but I am laughing. I felt bad for him in the begining of the comment, but the end lolz Poor thing though. As long as he is getting better.

  3. Replies
    1. and u always choose it out of all the diff things to comment on :P
