Friday, August 21, 2015

Not Even One Tear

Hey guys,

I had my annual doctor appointment last week. Going in I figured I would just check-in, go to the nurses station, chit chat with my doctor, and drive home. Did it go like that? Of course not! After seeing the nurse she instructed me to pee in a cup. Don't worry guys I got it all in the cup like a pro! And I washed my hands prior to this photo I took back in my room. The nurse also told me I needed a vaccine. Does anybody like those? I have always cried when I had to get vaccines or my blood drawn. Makes me question how I'll ever get a tattoo but that's for another day. My doctor came in and we talked. She eventually said the words blood test and I tried to remain calm. 

I am a grownup and cannot cry. That's what I told myself after my doctor left and the nurse returned to give me my shot. I tried to distract myself with talking to her. A quick little pain and I was done. The worst part was that this little shot made my shoulder sore which prevented me from lifting weights that day!
Pulled a number and had a seat in the tiny waiting room. My number was called and I found myself face to face with the rubber band they tie on your arm. She instructed me to make a fist with my hand and open and repeat. This time I watched as the needle disappeared into my flesh. I never understood the magic of how the blood flows from your arm into the little tubes so I asked the lady. She told me that the little plastic contraption that holds the needle controls the flow into the tube. The tubes contain no air and therefore act as a mini vacuum to suck up the blood. Pretty sweet if you ask me! I continued to watch as she filled up the four tubes with my blood. Then I got all bandaged up and told not to life anything heavy that day. Too bad I had to lift stuff at work. My shoulder and arm were sore for a few days following my visit. As I sit here typing this post I can look down and see a bruise from where she took my blood. Not a fun visit, but I did laugh a lot talking to my doctor. 

Little embarrassing, but deep down I am proud of myself for not getting tears in my eyes!


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