Sunday, August 9, 2015

Did We Kill Each Other? part one

Hey there,

Schatzi came down to visit on the 23rd and stayed all the way till the 2nd! Crazy huh? I wanted to do a blog post for each day, but I think it would be easier to do it this way. Plus since I didn't have to blog every night, I got to spend more time bugging Schatzi! I couldn't really request any of the days off from work since everyone seemed to have requested time off. On the 23rd I picked him up from the airport, spent a few hours with him (swimming involved), then off to work I went. Isn't his shirt cool? He looks like he was going to Hawaii or some tropical place to vacation.

Friday we all went to my brother's engineering program ceremony luncheon. My grandparents didn't know Schatzi was in town so you can only try to imagine the looks on their faces as they walked into the house. I can't say I'm okay with the way they treated him, but I am glad that he doesn't take it too harshly. I don't like scary movies because they make me jump a lot and then I can't sleep for months. At the luncheon we got to watch each group test out their spaghetti bridge. It was kind of painful to watch each bridge break as the weight was added on. I mean wouldn't it hurt to see so much time and effort turn to pieces in a matter of seconds?? You could hear the crunch as each bridge got closer to its breaking point. Then BAM into pieces! Interesting thing is if the whole bridge explodes then it's considered a perfect design. If only one part of the bridge collapses then it's one person's fault. Weird, no? It was a lot of fun to watch! While all that was going on we each got to eat our cute box lunches. I opted for the vegetarian option box. Not bad for a box lunch. I tend to take forever to eat whole apples. Luckily for me Schatzi offered to slice my apple for me. Yes, I realize this probably makes me sound like a total baby, but whatever :P  He spoils me.

Later Friday night Schatzi and I went to the movies. I haven't gone to the movies since the last time we went. Wait was that really all the way back in August? I made it a point not to go to the theater until I could go again with Schatzi. Not sure if he knew that, but oh well. I know how much he enjoys going to the theater and ever since I first went with him I don''t think going would ever be the same without him. So I saved it for the next time we could go together. He asked if we could go see Southpaw. Of course I had no clue what he was talking about so I YouTubed it. Going into the movie I knew I'd cry a lot. What did I do? Cry a lot lol He was probably more into the fighting aspect while I was more into the love story. After the movie we got to hang out in the parking lot catching up. I never did that as a teenager so figured why not give it a try. Turns out it was very relaxing.

Saturday was laundry and cleaning day. I combined Schatzi's laundry with mine and let me admit that I enjoyed doing it. Not that I like doing laundry, but I liked doing his laundry. Sorted it, washed it, dried it, folded it, and put it on his bed for him. He was super sweet and cleaned the bathroom for me. Then he headed out back to start sanding the fence. I was not about to do any sanding on that fence so I kept him company outside with my own equipment. First drill I've ever owned. Still trying to get the hang of it.

Sunday we kicked back and stayed home for the most part. At night we played some board games. I don't know why I don't play board games more often. We started off with some really old movie trivia game, but it wasn't going too hot so we moved on to LIFE. Before we started the game playing he told me he would beat me and guess who won? He won and boy did he beat my a**. Guess that's why you go to college right? Naw the lesson I walked away with was that I must have chosen the right guy. I mean he did win in LIFE after all!

Monday Schatzi planned for us to head to LA for some Phillipe's for lunch. It's a place well known for their dip sandwiches. You know, the thing I didn't order. I did take a little bit of his though. I got the tomato bisque with a boat load of crackers. I even surprised myself when I finished all those crackers. Those few on that plate are not what I am talking about. I talking about the small mountain of crackers on the plate I conveniently left out of this photo. Yeaaaa...what can I say? I LOVE crackers!

Schatzi got the lamb sandwich. I think I was okay with the meat, but not the sauce. My dad was telling Schatzi he HAD to try their hot mustard. He instantly fell in love with the stuff.

While in Chinatown we went up the street to buy lychee and further down to buy these delicious butterfly desserts! I was a total fatty and ate a whole box on my own. I did however buy my family a box as well. Share? You honestly think I'd share something that's that good??! I did share with Schatzi though. He's the exception :)

After that we got back in the car and headed to Johnny Cupcakes to take a look at shirts. We both expected the store to be bigger, but it is what it is. Very cute design inside though.

Look at my handsome fella over there. It's like he's posing for me without even knowing it.

Since this post is turning out to be rather long I am making it into two! Keep your eyes peeled for a part two!


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