Not sure who reads these, if anyone does, but if you've been here a while you know I have tried lash extensions in the past. If you didn't know, no worries, you can check it all out here. I decided to give lash extensions another try. It's been on my mind for a month or two, but the most recent unfortunate events have convinced me to treat myself. I did buy a Living Social deal so after tip I spent $50 on what was supposed to be $70 for new clients and $150 for others. The $50 sounds like a lot until put next to those prices. Although I will admit I had a hard time justifying spending that much money on lash extensions.
This is my before. They are hard to see and I even curled them so they should be more visible.
The downs to having these lash extensions would be not being able to wash my face like normal, no oil based makeup remover, not able to rub/itch my eyes, wearing glasses/sunglasses feels awkward, my eyes felt very irritated the hours following the service and a bit the following day, and they are pricey. I do like that I can look like I put a lot of effort into getting ready to face the day by taking less than five minutes to apply natural eye shadows. I've got a lot of thinking to do before I go back. I'll let you guys know if I go back though so keep an eye out!
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