This past Friday I sat at this very Starbucks in this same spot blogging. Seems like I can only blog sitting here at Starbucks. Guys, I have so SO much to catch up on in the next three and a half hours. Anyhow . . . back to this blog post. I spent the whole day Friday at Starbucks blogging, catching up on YouTube videos, and my friend's blog which you can check out here! Once 4:50 hit I left Starbucks and went to pick up Schatzi from work.
We haven't been getting along very well since we had our talk(s) about his new job and the whole situation of me being in his house. It was his first day working both jobs and his first day working his second job. Kind of cute how excited he was about being a bouncer at a bar. Since we weren't getting along well and he would be gone from at least 8:30-2am we decided I would stay at his parents' house that night. Originally he would drop me off and then come over to join me after work but I decided it may be better if he didn't join me that way he could get the whole bed to himself and I didn't think he would want to drive all the way to his parent's after such a long day of working.
His mom and I knocked out a few times watching tv and after I saw a huge spider I figured it was time to call it a night.
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