Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Beauty School . . . Wait What?!?

Hi guys,

Why is it that every time I write so much has changed? Well if you couldn't tell from the title, I am now attending beauty school. I have always had a bit of a passion for nails. Those of you that know me, this may not be much of a surprise. Today was actually my first day of school to help me get my Nail Technician License. I will say that it is VERY different than my UCSD days. I think I am the youngest out of the students that attended today.

I won't go into too much detail in this post. In the photo (right) you can see my Career Connections Workbook, planner, and now organized binder (the inside cover at least). Hey, I can say I started day one being well organized.

In class we went over chapter 1:history and opportunities (left). I am NOT a fan of history. You guys know that. Especially when I used to mention UCSD's lovely MMW course. Today's history was so different. When you think back to history class what comes to mind about the Egyptians? The Romans? Usually religion, trade, government, class systems right? Well I learned about the various resources individuals used to stain their nails, color their hair, add color to their cheeks and lips. That wouldn't matter in a standard history class, but I find learning that the Romans had different hair colors to signify status is far more interesting than religion. I apologize to all you history fans out there. I learned about the growth and origins of beauty and its products.

One of the first activities we did in class today was fill out a "My Promise" sheet. I already know that to some individuals this will sound silly or insignificant, but just listen. It reads:

The gift of COURAGE is the greatest gift I can give to MYSELF! Today I give myself the courage to come back to school. This gift will make all the difference in my future . . . . It will allow me to accomplish my goals. I will always have the knowledge and skills I gain from this gift. No one can take this gift away unless I ALLOW it! I can finish! I WILL FINISH!

I must finish because: This is my chance to accomplish something on my own.

When things get rough, I can motivate myself to do my best because: I know others are waiting for me to fail.

If I ever think of quitting, I'll tell myself that I MUST FINISH because: I started and need to finish.

I will fail only if I quit trying.

I'm glad that they started the class off with this. Ever since my birthday back in June things have been a constant downhill ride. When I thought things couldn't get any worse, someone would prove me wrong. I now know not to question if things could get any worse. The answer is ALWAYS yes.

The reason I found it important to share this on my blog is that I need to remind myself. Yes, it can be looked upon as a silly beauty school and not a terribly impressive achievement, but to me this is a HUGE step. It's a whole new chapter in my life. I wish I wasn't alone going into it, but I have no choice now.

I don't have the ability to see into the future (believe me if I could things would be incredibly different) but I know I will get very negative. I may even tell myself I don't think I am cut out for this, but I will remind myself to look back to this post.

I won't:
~ let others tell me I can't get my license
~ let others drag me further down
~ let the voice in my head hold me back
~ keep questions to myself in class
~ turn into someone I'm not

Sorry for the deep(ish) post you guys. Warning you now though I think this may be the first of a good amount more to come. I've missed writing posts. Even if I can count the number of readers on one hand.

Time to study for my test tomorrow and attempt to sleep.


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