Friday, May 9, 2014

Grapes & Gatoradeg

Afternoon guys,

Been feeling a bit on the dehydrated side the past few days. Probably doesn't help that my big water container/jug in the dorm has been empty . . . Since I got up this morning I've had half a bottle of water, a mango/banana/strawberry smoothie, red milk tea, and now this. Schatzi suggested I drink Powerade, but the market only had Gatorade. Don't drink it very often so it's kind of strange having it here with me lol Think last time I had Gatorade was back in my tennis days. Coach would bring us the cute little bottles. Oh, the grapes I got because they were in the fruit plastic container. Plus been trying to avoid terribly unhealthy snack foods. Figured this will last me a few days worth of snack.

Enjoy your afternoon!



  1. Go fill your H2O container.

    1. Sarah went with me last night. Downed a whole bottle and a half of water then some of my peach drink and gatorade.

  2. Oh, those tennis days! It's burning daylight! ;P
